Wow, well yesterday Kyle found six eggs in the barn!! I was so excited yet a little jealous that I wasn't able to hit the mother-load myself! That got our numbers up to a dozen exactly. I wasn't expecting much today, as we've been averaging just a few a day. I hit the grocery store as soon as I got out of work to pick up some stuff for next week's dinners. I was walking through the dairy section and it felt so strange as I walked past the eggs- we almost always have to buy eggs whenever we go to the grocery store. But no more. We should have eggs coming out of our ears pretty soon.
I arrived home, hastily unloaded my car, let out the kids and threw on my muck boots. It was amazingly mild outside for a rainy December day in Northern Vermont. In fact, I walked to the barn with just a light long-sleeved shirt on, my jacket taking up residence on a chair in the dining room. Much to my excitement, I was able to find another six eggs. Only one was in a nesting box, one more was in the manger, and the other four were sandwiched between layers of straw on top of our nice stack of hay that we had tried to cover to keep them from laying there.
Yeaaaaay and hooray for home grown eggs. Congratulations!